Fussy Eating Solutions

Unlock the secrets that my paying clients use to help their child go from refusing to try new foods to adding at least one new food every 4-6 weeks!

Would you love to see your child finally taste a new food?

(without bribing, nagging or having to disguise the disliked foods of course)

Is your child dropping more foods than adding new ones to meet their growing needs?

Whether you are preparing your child for nursery, school or important exams in the immediate future, the success of your child’s progress rests heavily in their nutritional health.
If you know WITHOUT A DOUBT that your child isn’t eating a big enough range of foods and you are worried that they are short on vital nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals for their normal growth and development...

Then let me show you how to start solving fussy eating in 6 easy steps!

So if you are a parent of a child who eats a limited diet trying to...

Stop worrying

and get a good night's sleep knowing that your child is consistently learning to try new foods at a pace that's right for them.

Connect with other like-minded parents

in our interactive, private Facebook group and monthly office hours so that you can have the accountability you need to complete the course and get the results that you are dreaming about.  If it feels like you have spent so long stumbling through this by yourself, to have other people to discuss things openly with and motivate you to keep going will feel like a big relief! 

Craft a clear feeding plan designed to support your child's growing needs

no more second guessing about whether you should praise your child, disguise the veges, or how to put together a nutritious meal plan.  Instead, you'll be menu planning in less than 15 minutes a week and re-focusing the time that you've gained towards making happy memories at the table that you'll cherish for years to come! 


On completing this step-by-step course,  you'll be walking away with a rock solid plan that teaches your child how to become confident at trying new foods.

Course Outline


Identify why your child may be a picky eater and the best solutions to empower them in a structured and step-by-step framework that is  fun and engages your child to try new foods.


Learn the strategies that are backed by science but are also tried and tested by past students and parents who have helped their children to try new foods with success.


An entire module packed with lessons dedicated to the major vitamins and minerals crucial for normal growth and development so that you can meet your child's requirements.


Learn how to menu plan in less than 15 minutes per week so that you gain time to focus on what matters the most to you and the children.

Parent of 6 year old boy

Email correspondence

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for us. It was more than we could have hoped for."


You too could be looking back in a few months from now and be saying “my child’s eating has become so much better. My goodness, they are trying new foods and eating their meals.  It’s such a relief.”

You’ve probably been told this numerous times.

By health visitors.  


Your well meaning family and friends.  

So what’s the statement?  

“They’ll grow out of it.  It’s just a phase”  

But then you start to have doubts.  

Your child hasn’t tried anything new in weeks.

Maybe they gag on the sight of fruit and vegetables or they are stuck on the same list of beige foods.  

Some textures or combinations of foods are a problem and you worry that they might be undernourished from vital vitamin and minerals. 

It still makes me cringe when I listen to a parent sharing this story with me. If your child has persisting fussy eating beyond the age of 2 years, they won’t outgrow it without the help they need.

Your child’s willingness to try something new will be directly tied to the actions you take to solve fussy eating. 

These exact steps that you need to take are inside The Fussy Eater’s Solution Online Course.

It will give you the power to:

enjoy the revelation on exactly why your child is a picky eater and what to do about it

know exactly what to say to your child to foster positive feeding relationships even when meal time battles erupt and they refuse to try anything new

plan a nutritious meal plan in under 15 mins a week with foods your child readily accepts and is learning to love, so that that your kids continue to grow and thrive (no more rescue meals either)

And all whilst using proven strategies that are backed by science and research geared to help your child add variety to their current range of foods!

Here's How I'll Get You There

If you are starting from scratch:

I’ve included menu planning modules if you need a little extra support before writing one on your own in just 15 minutes a week.  

I’ll walk you through how to engage with your child, what makes a nutritious meal and how to use existing family favourites.

and the secrets behind my 6-week step by step process to finally master how to manage fussy eating

Plus these hot bonuses

To give you a little extra support.

From bonus masterclasses to direct access to me inside a private Facebook community of parents who are all working with me, you'll never again feel alone on this journey to teach your child how to confidently try new foods.

Learn more

Bonus no.1

Private intimate Members Only Facebook Group (value £197)

Did you know that when you join the Fussy Eater’s Solution, I’ll be sharing even more nuggets, recipe ideas and a reassuring face when you need one?

You’ll never feel alone in this journey again.  

What it includes: 

Feedback from me on your action plan when you post it in the group

Words of encouragement and accountability when you need it during the SIX weeks

Personalised answers by a children’s nutrition expert and registered dietitian when you are feeling a little stuck

Bonus no.2

Monthly Live Masterclasses for 1 month with Bahee (value £197)

Did you know that Bahee hosts a small group coaching programme where she dives in deeper to support her coaching clients help their children try new foods?

You’ll be invited to attend one masterclass session completely free!

What it includes: 

Some aspects of fussy eating deserve in-depth discussion.  Each month I will take you through a professional presentation of the latest research and scientific evidence in one area to help you dive even deeper.  This session is normally reserved for my small group coaching participants.

Live Q&A at the end of each masterclass, so that you leave every session with practical tips and solutions for your query. 

Your chance to have any pressing questions answered by a paediatric dietitian and children’s nutrition expert. And if you want to continue to attend the live group coaching calls, you'll be invited to take advantage of a special offer for course participants only.

Bonus no.3

Weekly emails with words of encouragement, new insights or a useful piece of advice that I think you need right now.  (value £97)

I’ll be including useful recipe ideas as well as any words of wisdom that I believe will be relevant and helpful.

What it includes: 

A weekly email from me delivered to your inbox every week for 6 weeks

An email inviting you to watch the recording of a bonus masterclass on picky eating 

An email alerting you when a module has been dropped into the Learning Hub so that you can access it right away!

Bonus no.4

A bonus video tutorial on how to get unstuck  (value £300)

1-2-1 coaching packages with Bahee are now priced from £900.  So if you are ever feeling stuck or unsure of what to do, watch this bonus tutorial on how to trouble shoot and get back on track.

What it includes: 

A bonus tutorial on how to trouble shoot and diagnose the problem if your child isn't making as much progress as you had hoped for.

A worksheet that you can download to keep track of your child's progress.

A weekly checklist of the essential activities that you should be doing every week to stay on track and help your child become confident at trying new foods.

WOW, that's nearly £800 in bonuses when you enrol in Fussy Eating Solutions (kinda like having your cake and eating it too)!

Private intimate Members Only Facebook Group (value £197)

Monthly Live Masterclasses for 1 month (value £97)

Weekly emails with words of encouragement, new insights or a useful piece of advice you need right now (value £97)

A bonus video tutorial on how to get unstuck (value £300)

When you enrol, you'll also get the following:

Access to my step by step framework that my most successful parents have used to get results like watching their child consistently add at least one new food every 4-6 weeks.

Equipped with this knowledge and your action plan, you’ll finally be able to teach your child how to gradually become confident enough to eat the nutrient rich foods their body needs to support normal growth and development.  

You’ll never need to worry about whether they are eating the right nutrients to concentrate and perform well at nursery or at school.

6 week step-by-step roadmap
Just imagine what your life could be like, when you harness the power of the right knowledge that I share inside Fussy Eating Solutions course?

Access to the right strategy
To master fussy eating you need the right foundations followed by the correct solutions that will resonate with your child to entice them to grow the confidence they'll need to start trying new foods.

Gain time and rebalance
You'll no longer be distracted by what well meaning family and friends or social media 'experts' tell you.

Be supported by Bahee for 6 weeks
Have the courage to ask your burning questions inside a supportive private members-only Facebook group. Whilst the community grows, I’ll be in there to support you.

Success Stories

Parent of 6 year old
Ate his first meal of fish, chips and peas

"Thank you for everything you have done for us. It was more than we could have hoped for. My son has now tasted over 15 different foods despite having refused to try anything for years!

Parent of 5 year old girl
Podcast guest on my Kids Nutrition Podcast

"My child’s eating has become so much better. My goodness, they are trying new foods and eating their meals. It’s such a relief

Parent of school aged boy
Google Review

 "She is an exceptional dietician, she addressed all issues in detail and gave very simple solutions which we thought as parents are very complex. Would highly recommend to any worried parents like us." 

Still undecided?

You are ready to take action.

You want to enjoy the benefits like the success stories described above, but something is holding you back.  

Well let me share a few stories with you.  

When Nadia (made up name) sought my help for her 3 year old fussy eater, she had already sought help from other healthcare professionals without any real results.

Same for Gemma who had a 6 year old boy who struggled to eat things like bread, meat and most vegetables.
When we started to work together, they followed my advice diligently.  They was patient, believed in the process and were willing to give their sons the time that they needed to gain the confidence to try new foods.  
This is no easy task, as who wouldn’t dream of seeing their children with a limited diet start to eat new foods straight away, right?  

So it really wasn’t surprising when in less than a month of working with me, their children started to try foods that they hadn’t eaten in well over a year.  

What’s more, not only did Nadia's son start to try new foods, but his positive outlook on food gave his mother the courage that she needed to start reducing his intake of his treasured milk bottles.    

And Gemma found that her son ate his first family meal consisting of fish, home made chips and peas.

I share this because you probably want to know how children get on when they work with me.  But the transformation that my clients experience is much more profound.    

Stress is genuinely a thing of the past and parents regularly schedule and enjoy family meals with the kids. 

This is HUGE and here’s why.

If you don’t have the courage to start the journey of solving fussy eating now, you might never do.  

And as for Nadia, the strategies that she has learned from working with me will help her support her toddler for years to come.  

So if you’d like this kind of transformation and you are ready to put in the time, effort and dedication it takes to help your child learn how to start trying new foods, then no action is not a possibility right now.  

See you inside the Fussy Eater’s Solution Course where you will have access to the same 6 easy steps to help you master fussy eating today!

Course Pricing

Fussy Eating Solutions Course


  • An online course to help parents learn how to show their child how to finally start trying new foods.

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