How To Menu Plan Like A Pro

Mealtimes will never creep up on you again!

What you will learn:

  • Tips on how to start menu planning for your family with foods that everyone enjoys
  • How to break down the various food groups for easy menu planning
  • How to revamp favourite or online recipes so that it is nutritionally balanced
  • How to apply an easy recipe analysis tool so you never need to guess if the nutrition is right!

Course Curriculum

Bahee Van de Bor

I’m Bahee Van de Bor, a private paediatric dietitian and former Great Ormond Street Hospital for children trained specialist children’s nutritionist.

Are you looking for a nutrition specialist who has successfully helped families solve their nutrition problems over the past 15 years?  Whether you are worried about fussy eating, food allergy or need to navigate irritable bowel syndrome in children, let me help you manage these with confidence.

Making the right nutritional decisions for your child can be daunting. Dr Google provides ample information but isn’t a qualified children’s nutritionist.  So it can start to feel like information overload. You now need someone like me, a paediatric dietitian and children’s nutritionist who is able to give you personalised advice that leads to real results for you and your child.

Worried about your child’s poop issues?  Or maybe you need help with a fussy eater.  Or perhaps you’re unsure how to start weaning your baby on a vegan diet.  Issues like these can make mealtimes feel like a battle, more stress than satisfaction.

This is where I can help. I’ll help you make mealtimes an enjoyable family experience again, something you all look forward to. I do this by creating simple, easy to follow plans that lead to the right nutritional outcomes for your little ones.

Fun facts about me.  I have authored and published three scientific articles in high ranking journals on renal and the ketogenic diet.  I have worked with iTV news, BBC NewsHuffington Post, IndependentTelegraph, Times, Victoria Derbyshire Show and spoken at a number of international and national conferences.  I have also created a web-based application for families following a special diet.

Course Pricing

How To Menu Plan Like A Pro


  • Learn how to nutritionally balance favourite recipes and plan your weekly menu in easy to digest steps!

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